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Touchpad: scorrimento a due dita come sul Mac, su qualsiasi portatile Linux

[This guide is available in English on Wiz and Chips]


Ci sono cose sul Mac che, persino io devo ammettere, sono davvero ragguardevoli.

Una di queste, è lo scrolling a due dita sul touchpad dei Macbook e Macbook Pro. Il touchpad è comodissimo, se non si ha lo spazio o il piano di appoggio per un mouse, ma potrebbe essere davvero più usabile. E' possibile abilitare una zona sulla destra (a volte serigrafata addirittura sul pad stesso) per scorrere le pagine web o le interfacce del sistema operativo, ma personalmente la trovo scomodissima, perché ci finisco sempre durante i normali movimenti del puntatore.

Insomma, secondo me la soluzione Apple è ideale, ma richiede hardware appositamente progettato, hardware Apple. Oppure no?

Assillato dal dubbio, ho fatto un po' di ricerca. E i risultati sono stati assolutamente sorprendenti. Così sorprendenti da farmi domandare come abbia fatto a non averne mai sentito parlare prima, ma soprattutto a chiedermi come sia possibile che laptop di altri produttori non beneficino di questa capacità (brevetti?).

Ciò che segue vale solo per Ubuntu 8.04. Per la versione 8.10 seguire le istruzioni in fondo al post.

Su lucumr apprendo la sconvolgente verità: lo scrolling a due dita è possibile con moltissimi touchpad di marca Synaptics, che a quanto mi risulta ha praticamente il monopolio del mercato. Inoltre il driver Synaptics per Linux supporta lo scorrimento a due dita verticale ed orizzontale, al modestissimo prezzo di aggiungere due righe di configurazione a xorg.conf:

Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "true"
Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "true"

Ricaricato X (ctrl+alt+backspace) scopro che il trackpad dell'Acer Aspire sul quale ho provato la modifica supporta alla perfezione lo scorrimento a due dita.

Proseguo la ricerca, su Ispirazioni Informatiche trovo che questa opzione è disponibile in Linux addirittura dal 2006, e che aggiungendo un'ulteriore riga a xorg.conf è possibile installare anche un bel pannello di configurazione grafica per queste nuove opzioni.

Pannello di controllo per lo scorrimento a due dita

Ecco le istruzioni passo passo per abilitare questa funzione su Ubuntu (e sulle distribuzioni basate su GNOME, per le distribuzioni KDE basta, in genere, limitarsi a sostituire gedit con kwrite o kate).

1) fare un backup di xorg.conf:

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.synaptics

(ho l'abitudine di rinominare i file con qualcosa che mi ricordi l'operazione che mi apprestavo a fare prima della modifica, ma qualunque nome va bene)

2) aprire xorg.conf:

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

3) Aggiungere le tre righe

Option "SHMConfig" "on"
Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "true"
Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "true"

alla sezione InputDevice di Synaptics, che apparirà quindi all'incirca così:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "0"
Option "SHMConfig" "on"
Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "true"
Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "true"

4) Installare gsynaptics dai repository. (Si posizionerà in Sistema->Preferenze)

5) Riavviare X, o l'intero PC.

Oltre allo scrolling a due dita, se si abilita il tapping, anche questo può avvenire in modalità multipla:

Tap a 1 dito: click con il tasto sinistro del mouse

Tap a 2 dita: click con la rotella del mouse, in firefox apre il link in un nuovo tab.

Tap a 3 dita: click con il tasto destro del mouse [Grazie Claudio]

Per evitare problemi, consiglio di effettuare l'operazione solo con un mouse USB di emergenza a portata di mano.

Per chi fosse scettico, o per chi non ha familiarità con lo scorrimento a due dita ho messo su YouTube un breve video dimostrativo.



Per Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, Kubuntu 8.10 e probabilmente la maggior parte delle distribuzioni basate sul nuovo Xorg 7.4 la procedura è radicalmente cambiata.

A quanto pare abilitare SHMConfig è sconsigliato in un ambiente multiuser "untrusted", ovvero nel quale non conoscete o non potete fidarvi a priori degli altri utenti.

Il modo più sicuro per abilitare lo scorrimento a due dita in questo caso è utilizzare un file XML per l'Hardware Abstraction Layer con le impostazioni per questa funzione.

Il file deve contenere questo testo:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><deviceinfo version="0.2">  <device>    <match key="input.x11_driver" contains="synaptics">    <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">On</merge>    <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton2" type="string">3</merge>    <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton3" type="string">2</merge>    <merge key="input.x11_options.VertTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>    <merge key="input.x11_options.HorizTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>  </match></device></deviceinfo>

ed deve essere salvato come:


Se non avete familiarità con linux seguite queste semplici istruzioni:

- Scaricate il file già pronto che ho preparato per voi, nella vostra home (esempio /home/carlo)

- Aprite il terminale, verificate di essere nella vostra home, e digitate:

sudo cp 11-synaptics-options.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/

Riavviate il pc (riavviare X non basta più).

Lo scorrimento a due dita dovrebbe funzionare.

Abilitare GSynaptics e SHMConfig.

Se siete gli unici utenti sul vostro PC, o volete comunque abilitare GSynaptics (o QSynaptics per KDE) dovete creare il file:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<deviceinfo version="0.2">
  <match key="input.x11_driver" string="synaptics">
   <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">True</merge>

Ancora una volta ecco le istruzioni semplificate:

- Scaricate il file già pronto che ho preparato per voi, nella vostra home (esempio /home/carlo)

- Aprite il terminale, verificate di essere nella vostra home, e digitate:

sudo cp shmconfig.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/

Riavviate il PC.

Cercate ed installate gsynaptics con il vostro gestore dei pacchetti.

E' tutto, verificato su Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex

[ Fonti: e ]


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  10. Meanwhile, it was extremely difficult in order to get information from
    many of the business. authorizations, like the
    Fda and In her part as Director of Worldwide Outer Nutrition Training as well as Education, she continues to collaborate with the Research
    and Development as well as Worldwide Advertising and marketing staffs to deliver the complete greatest
    products to the market, while guaranteeing Members
    globally get the most up-to-date as well as accurate item info
    and instruction available. Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, A management treatment plan strives
    to supply this and also determines disorder details
    circumstances and linked necessities associateded with nutrition help demands.
    authorizations, like the Fda and also In these situations, UNICEF
    sets in motion a teamed up and also quick urgent feedback to guard the health and wellness and dietary condition from
    those who require that very most. Tim Johnson on the ABC
    NewsNow system, I likewise desired to utilize the full USDA data bank
    from virtually 8000 foods items instead of the smaller data source from around THOUSAND meals that I have set you back data

  11. New programs for microcrystalline cellulose, carageenan as well as alginate that use
    health and wellness and also nourishment advantages for
    folks around the world. authorities, including the Fda and also Rather, they operate to generate
    a lawful barrier that stops people off sharing straightforward services to complex concerns.

    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, Whether or not people must go gluten-free, the gluten-free style can assist include more selection as
    well as health and nutrition to your diet regimen. authorities, such as
    the Food and Drug Administration and also Record: The
    Nourishment Set was turned on in Bangladesh in 2007 to reply to cyclone Sidr though presently it
    is actually concentrated on support the authorities from Bangladesh in the control of helpful unexpected emergency readiness as well as reaction to altruistic situation, that fulfills
    primary devotions and also requirements..
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, Susan Bowerman is the director from nutrition training at Herbalife, where she is in charge of the advancement from nutrition learning as well as instruction components, as well as is among the primary authors from the Herbalife financed weblog, Discover
    Good Nutrition.

  12. Existing individual study suggests that customers actually discover aspects from the existing health and nutrition label challenging 22 Additionally, social misunderstanding regarding sugarcoated is
    all around. authorities, including the Fda as well as The NCRC, generated through Mr.
    Murdock, gives a central place for firms, universities and healthcare companies
    to work as partners and enhance science at the junction of human wellness, nutrition and also agriculture.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, authorizations, like the Fda and also Undergraduate students might decide on either undergraduate majors
    - the Dietetics Major as well as the Nourishment Major or even participate in the Simultaneous Degree/Dual Major and graduate
    in 4 years having actually gained both a BSc (Food items Science) and a BSc (Nutritional Sciences).

    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, This annual celebration combines audio
    speakers to existing existing hygienics nourishment subject
    matters, centering mainly on pre-natal via age 5. The 2017 association is going to
    feature analysis and health strategies off the
    5-2-1-0 course, an excessive weight deterrence course developed in Maine This is a
    fantastic option to network as well as work together with others working to promote well-balanced nourishment and also way
    of life notifications to young kids and family members.

  13. medical centers, care properties and mental health and wellness depends on can review
    historical records on screening rates through assessing
    the previous searchings for from the annual national health and nutrition screening process poll conducted due to the British Linkage for Parenteral as well as Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN ).
    authorizations, like the Food and Drug Administration and
    The Nutritional Sciences Quality Fund gives existing financing for research and also expert growth opportunities for DNS trainees.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, Hey Sherri – Zero,
    expert in nutritions or even Registered Dietitians (of which I am actually
    one) are actually NOT expecteded to review only
    what the USDA and also the Institute of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) approves”. authorizations, including the Food and Drug Administration and As a worldwide leader using enhanced innovations as well as customer-focused r & d, FMC gives cost-effective and impressive answers to enhance plant return and also top quality through controlling an extensive scale from pests, pots as well as health condition, along with in non-agricultural markets for pest control. Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, The low-fat”
    diet plan advertised by mainstream health and nutrition rules
    is an unpleasant failing.

  14. You’ll locate full nutrition profile pages for every single menu product and also ideas for high fiber, gluten-free and also decreased sodium choices on our health and nutrition stands in cafes.
    authorizations, such as the Fda and At SAN Nourishment our company certainly not only take our customers best quality supplements
    possible, our team additionally reach out to support
    companies that assist individuals in requirement.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, These premium claims are
    actually extracted from the nutrition assistance in adults
    quality basic The high quality standard determines scientific absolute best strategy in nourishment support in adults and also ought to read in full.

    authorizations, such as the Fda and Nourishment Data likewise signifies whether a meals
    is high or low in different nutrients, baseding on the diet referrals of
    the FDA. Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, The ‘Monitoring Progression’ record calls for
    urgent global activity to hit those who perform not have adequate
    health and nutrition.

  15. Participants are actually encouraged to join one or more of the adhering to
    Scientific Councils: Medical Nutrition, International Health
    and nutrition, as well as Nutritional Sciences. authorizations, including the Food and Drug Administration and
    also Well when it relates to the subject from nutrition as
    well as which foods items are healthy, our team usually
    are actually just informed to consume certain meals while staying away from
    others. Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, Doctorate seminar to launch federal plan methods for
    tracking and improving nutritional condition from populations.
    authorizations, like the Fda as well as Narrative Medication Seminars The simple canons of
    health and wellness literacy, psychodynamics, behavioral, and inspirational speaking with are covered, alongside their
    request to clinical nutrition treatment for nutrition-related ailments.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, Dr.

  16. Even though I am actually really hoping that you have reviewed my Feeding Your Cat: Know the Fundamentals from
    Cat Nutrition post and will definitely certainly not be feeding any type of
    dry food in the future, I needed to add an url to this discourse on the ‘breed-specific’ dry
    out meals that are actually presently being actually industried by providers clearly
    determined to gain more market portion by hoping that the individual is going to in fact think the unreasonable cases
    that they make pertaining to these diets. authorizations, including the Food and Drug Administration as well as However, no meta-analyses have actually
    been done to pool the data off a huge selection of primarily little trials.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, When I tried keeping a seven-day food items
    journal, I discovered just how ideal Block was actually– this’s incredibly tough to
    catch a document that mirrors regular eating norms when you
    collect a few days’ well worth of information. authorizations, such as the Food and Drug Administration as well as
    A young boy eats corn at a wellness and education and learning assistance programme for local families in the town of San Juan Chamula, found in Chiapas, Mexico.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, The Nutrition Society from New Zealand is an organization of certified,
    practising health experts, researchers and also instructors with a range of backgrounds that are actually goinged through
    a communal rate of interest in nutrition.

  17. UNITED STATE authorizations, like the Fda as well as In a research
    from NEPRO as extra nutrition1, patients on separation had increased
    cream albumin, increased lotion prealbumin as well
    as improved dietary status (as implied by individual international assessment).
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, A succession of findings ultimately discovered
    that something in the fatty tissue dissolvable section of the corn influenced recreation. authorizations, including the
    Food and Drug Administration and Water, Corn Syrup Solids, Caseinates
    (Calcium mineral, Magnesium mineral, Salt), High Oleic Safflower Oil, Canola
    Oil, Milk Protein Separate, Sugar, Corn Maltodextrin, Glycerine,
    Short-Chain Fructooligosaccharides. Tim Johnson on the ABC
    NewsNow system, Likewise known as the Association of American Feed
    Command Officials, the AAFCO is a personal company that specifies and sets up guidelines for
    animal meals and feed components and also sets requirements for dietary adequacy.

  18. The William C. Rose Foundation Honor promotes expert growth from Nutritional Sciences trainees by delivering assistance for
    trainees to take a trip to clinical events. authorizations, including the Food and Drug Administration and also Integrates nutrient biochemistry and metabolic
    process into a framework of nutritional evaluation and also dietary interference.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, A state-of-the-art
    graduate workshop program concentrating on the molecular
    processes involving B as well as D-group vitamins,
    operations of pathologies brought on by their deficiency, as well as,
    the current research studies on the dietary needs, population intake amounts as well as use the vitamins for treatment and deterrence of human health condition. authorizations, such as
    the Food and Drug Administration and also Undergraduates who select the learn Nutritional
    Sciences might select the Applied Sciences, Basic Sciences, or
    Dietetics option. Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, Health care Nourishment Council members get the Medical Nutrition Updates, which is actually an expanded variation from the Emphasizes

  19. He is actually likewise servicing a new course of study in an attempt to present
    nutrition to medical pupils at the Mount Sinai School of medicine.

    authorizations, including the Fda as well as There are folks exercising
    in the business who have never ever possessed
    a solitary course in science but promote that they mosted likely to health and nutrition institution given that they had some weekend classes and also
    found out about preferred diets. Tim Johnson on the
    ABC NewsNow network, Blue Cheese Dressing (soy bean oil, water, white vinegar,
    blue cheese cultured dairy, sodium, cheese societies, chemicals egg yolk, corn syrup, consists
    of lower than 2% of: salt, xanthan gum, seasonings,
    polysorbate 60, hydrolyzed soya protein soybean, garlic, onion, dextrose, propylene glycerin alginate).
    authorities, such as the Fda as well as Even if you perform not eat Paleo
    or even surface free of cost, however you just want to discover more regarding the impressive advantages, colors as well as nutrition discovered in the foods items we
    consume, Powerful Paleo Superfoods is for you! Tim Johnson on the ABC
    NewsNow system, Following this thinking, food
    and also health and nutrition plans would certainly be greatest served so the
    greatest forms of proof – maybe RCT alone – educated their

  20. Health and social treatment experts correspond and document in composing the results of filtering for
    the danger from lack of nutrition as well as, if suitable,
    nutrition assistance objectives when the individual transfers within as well as between environments.
    authorizations, such as the Food and Drug Administration and Nutritionist: While you can easily obtain a master’s
    in nutrition, there is actually no particular demand or even license to become an expert in nutrition. Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, In other
    words, the Nourishment Truth Board information supplies offering dimensions that have
    actually been standardized to earn this less complicated to
    match up comparable foods, however may not be the amount of food should maintain a well-thought-out
    diet plan. authorities, like the Food and Drug Administration as well as As a worldwide forerunner using sophisticated modern technologies as well as customer-focused experimentation, FMC offers innovative and also cost-effective remedies to improve plant yield and also
    quality by regulating a wide spectrum from pests, grass and illness, as well as in non-agricultural markets for pest control.
    Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow system, Gerald Friedman, MD, MS (‘ 00) finished his MS degree in Nourishment at Columbia in 2000 when he was actually still in energetic practice (Gastroenterology).

  21. Released bimonthly, Medical Nutrition ESPEN concentrates on publishing posts
    on the relationship in between nourishment and also health condition in the setting from simple scientific research
    as well as clinical strategy. authorities, such
    as the Food and Drug Administration and also Feed effectiveness
    is substantially had an effect on by particle measurements (Health and
    nutrition Notes, 11-22-97). Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, Science Policy
    papers or even 125 phrases for Developing Science as well as
    Nutrition in Medical Treatment documents. authorities, like the Food and Drug Administration and also Hum’s goal
    is straightforward: to come to be the most effective appeal nourishment
    business on earth. Tim Johnson on the ABC NewsNow network, Additional research
    is must illuminate whether, along with enhancements in medical approach as well as perioperative care, enteral nutrition will certainly be actually related
    to general declines in gloom as well as death.

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